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The icons help users visualize the tasks and features in the toolbox. Follow the prompts within the Setup Wizard and proceed with KSM software The Corsair Force MP600 is far and away the fastest gaming SSD on this list. I just uninstalled that Patriot RGB software myself, I have Gigabyte RGB Fusion and Corsair iCue installed along with the Logitech software and EVGA PXOC. (Corsair SSD Toolbox provides disk clone functionality for your convenience. CORSAIR Downloads | CORSAIR iCUE Software. Power on your PC and see if your SSD performance has improved. 2019 Corsair SSD Toolbox software: enables advanced Drive controls from your desktop including secure Erase and firmware updates. The first, the SSD & Hard Disk Drive Cloning Kit, enables users to easily duplicate and transfer data between drives. 2013 Software ini sendiri merupakan software gratis yang didownload di What are the endurance ratings for Corsair SSDs? Ensuring peak performance for your MP600 M.